Цель курса:
Этот курс предназначен для архитекторов, у которых есть опыт построения инфраструктуры и приложений на платформе Microsoft Azure. У студентов должно быть полное понимание большинства сервисов, предлагаемых на платформе Azure. Студенты, как правило, работают на организации, которые имеют готовые решения на Azure и планируют увеличить существующие решения или развернуть больше решений на платформе Azure.
Этот курс также предназначен для архитекторов, которые хотят сдать экзамен Microsoft Certification, 70-535, Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions.
Целевая аудитория:
Этот курс предназначен для архитекторов, у которых есть опыт построения инфраструктуры и приложений на платформе Microsoft Azure. У студентов должно быть полное понимание большинства сервисов, предлагаемых на платформе Azure.
Для интерактивного компонента этот курс предлагает студентам возможность развернуть решения на Azure, используя встроенные инструменты DevOps, такие как шаблоны Azure Resource Manager, Role-Based Access Control и другие.
Этот курс не требует опыта написания кода программ или конфигурирования серверов. Этот курс фокусируется на сопоставлении имеющихся сервисов и принятии технических решений, необходимых для развертывания хорошо спроектированных решений на платформе Azure. Этот курс также готовит студентов к экзамену 70-535: Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions.
У слушателей курса, которым интересно это обучение, должен быть опыт в проектировании, реализации и мониторинге решений на Azure. Кандидаты также должны иметь опыт работы с инструментами, методами и подходами, используемыми для построения решений на платформе Azure.
После окончания курса Вы будете уметь:
• Описывать компоненты архитектуры, включая инфраструктуру, инструменты и порталы.
• Создавать и использовать шаблоны Azure Resource Manager (ARM) для различных приложений.
• Сравнивать и сопоставлять различные инфраструктуры, базы данных и коммуникационные услуги; такие как App Services, Virtual Machine Scale Sets, Azure Cosmos DB, SQL Database и Container Service в Azure.
• Внедрять различные службы платформы Azure, такие как Cognitive Services и Media Servicers.
• Защищать, контролировать и восстанавливать с помощью резервного копирования решений на Azure
• Создавать автоматизированные решения DevOps, используя комбинацию шаблонов ARM, утилит управления конфигурацией, Azure CLI и Cloud Shell.
Module 1: Application Architecture Patterns in AzureThis module introduces and reviews common Azure patterns and architectures as prescribed by the Microsoft Patterns & Practices team. Each pattern is grouped into performance, resiliency, and scalability categories and described in the context of similar patterns within the category.Lessons
- Pattern Resources
- Performance Patterns
- Resiliency Patterns
- Scalability Patterns
- Data Patterns
Module 2: Deploying Resources with Azure Resource ManagerThis module establishes a basic understanding of Azure Resource Manager and the core concepts of deployments, resources, templates, resource groups, and tags. The module will dive deeply into the automated deployment of resources using ARM templates.Lessons
- ARM Templates
- Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
- Resource Policies
- Security
- Building Blocks
Lab : Getting Started with Azure Resource Manager
- Create Resource Groups
- Deploy an Empty Template
- Deploy a Simple Template
- Cleanup Subscription
Module 3: Building Azure IaaS-Based Server ApplicationsThis module identifies workloads that are ideally deployed using Infrastructure-as-a-Service services in Azure. The module focuses on the VM Scale Sets and Virtual Machine services in Azure and how to best deploy workloads to these services using best practices and features such as Availability Sets.Lessons
- High Availability
- Templated Infrastructure
- Domain-Connected Machines
Lab : Deploying Infrastructure Workloads to Azure
- Deploy a Virtual Machine using PowerShell DSC
- Deploy a Virtual Machine Scale Set using PowerShell DSC
- Cleanup Subscription
Module 4: Creating Managed Server Applications in AzureThis module describes services that use infrastructure but manage the infrastructure on behalf of the user instead of obfuscating the infrastructure resources. The module focuses on infrastructure-backed PaaS options such as Azure Service Fabric, Container Service, and App Service Environments. The module will explore how to deploy custom workloads to these services such as an HPC batch processing task.Lessons
- Infrastructure-Backed Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)
- High-Performance Compute (HPC)
- Migration
Lab : Deploying Managed Server Workloads to Azure
- Create Azure Container Service Cluster
- Deploy Docker Image
- Cleanup Subscription
Module 5: Authoring Serverless Applications in AzureThis module describes how solutions can leverage serverless application hosting services in Azure to host web applications, REST APIs, integration workflows and HPC workloads without the requirement to manage specific server resources. The module focuses on App Services-related components such as Web Apps, API Apps, Mobile Apps, Logic Apps, and Functions.Lessons
- Azure Web App
- Azure Functions
- Integration
- High Performance
Lab : Deploying Serverless Workloads to Azure
- Create Web App
- Deploy Web App Code
- Deploy Function App and Code
- Cleanup Subscription
Module 6: Backing Azure Solutions with Azure StorageThis module describes how many Azure services use the Azure Storage service as a backing store for other application solution in Azure. The module dives into critical considerations when using Azure Storage as a supplemental service for an all-up Azure solution.Lessons
- Pricing
- Blob Storage
- Files
- StorSimple
Lab : Deploying Azure Storage to Support Other Workloads in Azure
- Create Required Resources for a Virtual Machine
- Create a VM With a Storage Account
- Create a VM With a Managed Disk
- Cleanup Subscription
Module 7: Comparing Database Options in AzureThis module compares the various relational and non-relational data storage options available in Azure. Options are explored as groups such as relational databases (Azure SQL Database, MySQL, and PostgreSQL on Azure), non-relational (Azure Cosmos DB, Storage Tables), streaming (Stream Analytics) and storage (Data Factory, Data Warehouse, Data Lake).Lessons
- Relational
- NoSQL Services
- Azure Cosmos DB
- Data Storage
- Data Analysis
Lab : Deploying Database Instances in Azure
- Deploy a CosmosDB Database Instance
- Validate the REST API
- Cleanup Subscription
Module 8: Networking Azure Application ComponentsThis module describes the various networking and connectivity options available for solutions deployed on Azure. The module explores connectivity options ranging from ad-hoc connections to long-term hybrid connectivity scenarios. The module also discusses some of the performance and security concerns related to balancing workloads across multiple compute instances, connecting on-premise infrastructure to the cloud and creating gateways for on-premise data.Lessons
- Load Balancing
- External Connectivity
- Hybrid Connectivity
Lab : Deploying Network Components for Use in Azure Solutions
- Create an ARM Template for a Linux VM
- Duplicate the VM Resources
- Create a Load Balancer Resource
- Cleanup Subscription
Module 9: Managing Security and Identity for Azure SolutionsThis module discusses both security and identity within the context of Azure. For security, this module reviews the various options for monitoring security, the options available for securing data and the options for securing application secrets. For identity, this module focuses specifically on Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) and the various features available such as Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), Managed Service Identity, Azure AD Connect, ADFS and Azure AD B2B/B2C.Lessons
- Security Monitoring
- Data Security
- Application Security Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)
- Hybrid Identity
- Azure AD Application Integration
Lab : Deploying Services to Secure Secrets in Azure
- Deploy Key Vault using ARM Template
- Deploy Virtual Machine using Key Vault Secret
- Cleanup Subscription
Module 10: Integrating SaaS Services Available on the Azure PlatformThis module introduces multiple SaaS services available in Azure that are available for integration into existing Azure solutions. These services include Cognitive Services, Bot Service, Machine Learning and Media Services.Lessons
- Cognitive Services
- Bot Services
- Machine Learning
- Media Services
Lab : Deploying Service Instances as Components of Overall Azure Solutions
- Deploy Function App and Cognitive Service using ARM Template
- Cleanup Subscription
Module 11: Integrating Azure Solution Components using Messaging ServicesThis module describes and compares the integration and messaging services available for solutions hosted on the Azure platform. Messaging services described include Azure Storage Queues, Service Bus Queues, Service Bus Relay, IoT Hubs, Event Hubs, and Notification Hubs. Integration services include Azure Functions and Logic Apps.Lessons
- Event Messaging
- Integration
- IoT
Lab : Deploying Messaging Components to Facilitate Communication Between Azure Resources
- Deploy Service Bus Namespace
- Deploy Logic App
- Cleanup Subscription
Module 12: Monitoring and Automating Azure SolutionsThis module covers the monitoring and automation solutions available after an Azure solution has been architected, designed and possibly deployed. The module reviews services that are used to monitor individual applications, the Azure platform, and networked components. This module also covers automation and backup options to enable business-continuity scenarios for solutions hosted in Azure.Lessons
- Application Monitoring
- Platform Monitoring
- Network Monitoring
- Alerting
- Backup
- Azure Automation
- Config Management
- Auto-Scale
Lab : Deploying Configuration Management Solutions to Azure
- Deploy a Chef Management Server using ARM
- Configure Management Server
- Deploy a VM Scale Set using Chef-Configured VMs
- Cleanup Subscription