Quick Powerful Graphics with Power View, PowerPivot, Power Query, Power Map and Power BI
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Microsoft -> Microsoft SQL Server 2016 | 2014 | 2012 | 2008

Курс: 55164
Quick Powerful Graphics with Power View, PowerPivot, Power Query, Power Map and Power BI
21900 руб. *
 * Только для курса Звоните

Вендор: Microsoft


5 дн. | 40 а. ч.

Форма обучения:

Цена:  25000 руб.

Цель курса:
This course is designed to teach the participant how to combine the functionality of Power View, PowerPivot, Power Query, and Power BI into graphs, charts, KPIs, reports, and other visualizations for use in their business. This course is lab example intensive.

Целевая аудитория:
The course is targeted towards business analysts, business intelligence developers, and reporting professionals.

После окончания курса Вы будете уметь:

  • Navigate the Power View interface. 
  • Utilize Power View reports. 
  • Work with tables. 
  • Understand aggregations. 
  • Utilize matrix. 
  • Configure drill through. 
  • Use cards as a visualization. 
  • Apply filters. 
  • Create charts. 
  • Utilize tiles. 
  • Add slicers to reports. 
  • Utilize themes. 
  • Navigate the PowerPivot interface. 
  • Load data. 
  • Examine and configure relationships. 
  • Configure calculated columns are calculated fields. 
  • Create PivotTables. 
  • Understand and utilize DAX. 
  • Use KPIs. 
  • Work with hierarchies. 
  • Manage perspectives. 
  • Navigate the Power Query interface.
  • Load data.
  • Filter data.
  • Merge datasets.
  • Manage modifications.
  • Perform data cleaning.
  • Navigate the Power Map interface.
  • Use Bing maps.
  • Examine map data.
  • Configure tours, scenes, and layers.
  • Add time to a presentation.
  • Navigate the Power BI interface.
  • Utilize data sources.
  • Understand querying with natural language.

Предварительная подготовка:
Для успешного освоения курса необходимы знания в объеме курса

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