Практическое применение групповых политик в Windows
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Microsoft -> Microsoft Windows Server 2016 | 2012

Курс: 50255
Практическое применение групповых политик в Windows
29000 руб. *
 * Только для курса Звоните

Вендор: Microsoft


5 дн. | 40 а. ч.

Форма обучения:
очная в группе, дистанционная

Цена:  34900 руб.

Цель курса:

The course is part two of a series of three courses, which provide the skills and knowledge necessary to implement a core Windows Server 2012 infrastructure in an existing enterprise environment. The three courses in total will collectively cover implementing, managing, maintaining and provisioning services and infrastructure in a Windows Server 2012 environment. While there is some cross-over in skillset and tasks across the courses, this course will primarily cover the administration tasks necessary to maintain a Windows Server 2012 infrastructure, such as user and group management, network access and data security.

Целевая аудитория:

This course is intended for Information Technology (IT) Professionals with hands on experience working in a Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2012  environment, who wish to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to be able to manage and maintain the core infrastructure required for a Windows Server 2012 environment. The key focus for students in this course is to broaden the initial deployment of Windows Server 2012 services and infrastructure and provide the skills necessary to manage and maintain a domain based Windows Server 2012 environment, such as user and group management, network access and data security.

Candidates would typically be System Administrators or aspiring to be System Administrators. They must have at least one year hands on experience working in a Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2012 environment. Candidates must also have knowledge equivalent to that already covered in “20410A: Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012” course as this course will build upon that knowledge.

После окончания курса Вы будете уметь:

  • Использовать групповые политики для управления компьютерами, учётными записями и настройками Windows 
  • Проектировать инфраструктуру для применения групповых политик

Предварительная подготовка:

Курс 20411 Адмнистрирование Windows Server R2

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